भा.प्रौ.सं. गाँधीनगर: उत्कृषटता के 15 वर्षसमाचार

Humanities and Social Sciences

The Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) program is one of the central pillars of the academic agenda of IIT Gandhinagar. Over the years, HSS has emerged as a truly interdisciplinary enterprise that promotes new epistemological paradigms in the Institute. The advancement of HSS necessitates adopting cross-disciplinary interaction and collaboration. The current composition of HSS with expertise in various domains is very conducive to its further progress. This opportunity is to be exploited to enhance the scholarship, impact, and social outreach of HSS in the Institute and beyond. A primary objective of the HSS program is to provide the IITGN student the intellectual tools to understand, analyze, and critique their social, cultural, and political contexts of new knowledge systems and frameworks. This opens up a unique opportunity for HSS discipline to directly contribute to students' intellectual demand across disciplines. To ensure a comprehensive and rounded educational experience, the Institute has implemented several program innovations. The most important of these is the inclusion of several mandatory liberal arts courses in the academic curriculum. Nearly a fifth of the course work of undergraduate students is in HSS. The objective of this curricular requirement is to train students in critical thinking and analysis, social responsibility, and in the techniques of effective communication, both oral and written. Importantly, the incorporation of the liberal arts courses in the engineering and sciences curricula is to instill in our students an appreciation of the complex social forces that inform the development of solutions to the grand challenges of our times.

IITGN celebrates interdisciplinarity, and its HSS discipline is multidisciplinary and eclectic. While HSS faculty members may be unlikely to find many colleagues in their own specializations at IITGN, they may discover stimulating opportunities for interdisciplinary and collaborative scholarship and teaching with other HSS faculty and with colleagues in engineering and science. Humanities and Social Sciences currently offers Ph.D. and MA in Society and Culture. The discipline currently hosts research activities which can be broadly classified into:

Region studies | Human development | Anthropology | Literary studies | Historical Studies | Cognitive Science | Archaeology and Archaeological Sciences

In order to meet current and future research and teaching requirements, Humanities and Social Sciences at IIT Gandhinagar seeks outstanding applicants from all areas of Humanities and Social Sciences to fill multiple positions at all levels. The current priority areas are the following

Economics | Politics | Sociology | Anthropology | Philosophy | Psychology | Cognitive Science | Literature | Philosophy | Media Studies | Conflict & Peace Studies | Visual & Performing Arts | Social Action & Policy | Archaeology and Archaeological Sciences

For queries or information regarding faculty recruitment specifically in Humanities and Social Science, please contact Prof. Deepak Singhania [dbsinghania@iitgn.ac.in]. For general questions related to faculty recruitment at IITGN, please write to faculty.recruitment@iitgn.ac.in