भा.प्रौ.सं. गाँधीनगर: उत्कृषटता के 15 वर्षसमाचार

Viswanath Parol


Viswanath Parol

Post-Doctoral Fellow, Civil Engineering

  • BTech: GEC Thrissur, Kerala
  • MTech: NIT Warangal, Andhra pradesh
  • PhD: IIT Kanpur, Uttarpradesh

Email: viswanath.p -AT- iitgn.ac.in

  • Work experience

    Assistant professor in SPSU Udaipur, Rajastan from 01/07/2013 to 29/12/2014

  • Selected Publications

    1. Viswanath, P., and Das, A. (2019). “Modelling the response of chemically degraded carbonate sands.” Geomechanics and Geoengineering, Taylor & Francis, 14(4), 245–261
    2. Viswanath, P., and Das, A. (2020). “Stiffness degradation in granular materials due to chemical dissolution.” Géotechnique Letters, 10(1), 1–7.
    3. Viswanath, P., Das, A. and Buscarnera, G. (Revision under review). “Evolution of the earth pressure coefficient of carbonate sand undergoing dissolution: measurements and micro-scale simulations” Acta Geotechnica.
    4. Viswanath, P., and Das, A. (2017). “Effects of Particle Dissolution on the Constitutive Response of Granular Materials.” Poromechanics VI, V. Matthieu, P. Dangla, J.-M. Pereira, and S. Ghabezloo, eds., American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA, 732–739.