Abhijit Mishra

Abhijit Mishra
Professor, Materials Engineering
- BTech: IIT Bombay, 2003
- PhD: University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, 2010
Email: amishra -AT- iitgn.ac.in
11/309 D
2422 / 2022
Selected Publications
A. Tyagi, A. Mishra, Methacrylamide based antibiotic polymers with no detectable bacterial resistance, Soft Matter (2021), 3404.
P. Ratrey, S. Dalvi, A. Mishra, Enhancing aqueous solubility and antibacterial activity of curcumin by complexing with cell-penetrating octaarginine, ACS Omega 5 (2020), 19004
S. Saha, A. Mishra, A facile preparation of rutin nanoparticles and its effects on controlled growth and morphology of calcium oxalate crystals, J. Crys. Growth 540 (2020), 125635
S. Majhi, A. Arora, A. Mishra, Surface immobilization of a short antimicrobial peptide (AMP) as an antibacterial coating, Materialia 6 (2019), 100350
A. Mishra, G. Lai, N. Schmidt, V. Sun, A. Rodriguez, R.Tong, L. Tang, J. Cheng, T. Deming, D. Kamei, & G. Wong*, “Translocation of HIV TAT peptide and analogues induced by multiplexed membrane and cytoskeletal interactions”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108 16883, 2011.
Work Experience
- Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (Nov 2024 to present)
- Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (Feb 2019 - Nov 2024)
- Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (July 2011 to Jan 2019)
- Postdoctoral Scholar, University of California Los Angeles (July 2010 to Jun 2011)
- Research Assistant, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign (Aug 2003 to May 2010)