भा.प्रौ.सं. गाँधीनगर: उत्कृषटता के 15 वर्षसमाचार

The Neilom Foundation Scholarship

The Neilom Foundation Scholarship

The Neilom Foundation Scholarship has been instituted in the year 2022 and is open to all B.Tech students. The scholarship amount is Rs. 1 lakh per student per year and is awarded to one B.Tech student every year in order to support internships (international or domestic), special projects and opportunities, financial needs, etc. B.Tech students with a minimum CPI of 6.5 are eligible.

Professor Davinder K. Anand is Founder and Executive Director of The Neilom Foundation. He received his B.M.E., M.S., and D.Sc. degrees in mechanical engineering from the George Washington University, where he is a member of the Engineering Hall of Fame. Currently he is Professor Emeritus of mechanical engineering and Director of the Center of Engineering Concepts Development at the University of Maryland College Park (UMCP). He is a member of the Cosmos Club, where he joined the Powell Society and established the Neilom Foundation Meritorious Award in Technology and Society to be given to a Cosmos Scholar every year. He established the Neilom Foundation as a US 501(cX3) organization in 2012 in memory of his son Dilip Anil "Neil" Anand. The Foundation supports nonprofit organizations and the next generation of young people who are making a positive social impact using technology. In addition, the Foundation selects and recognizes Neilom Fellows, who are accomplished young people working on projects with exceptional benefit to society. This scholarship has been instituted by him in honor of his son Dilip Anil 'Neil' Anand, who besides being a successful certified public accountant, was very dedicated to helping young people. Whether helping them get a job, or in sports, he was an avid basketball player and sports fan, car enthusiast, loved to travel and he never missed an opportunity to help young people as he met them around the world. Neil's personality was vibrant and funny, and once you met hirn you never forgot him. He would have been very proud of the work of his Foundation. The scholarship of Rs. 1 Lakh per year would support the undergraduate students for their financial needs, funding internships (international or domestic), or special projects and opportunities, etc.

Meet the Recipients

Current Recipients (AY 2023-2024)

Hrriday Viraj Ruparel | BTech Computer Science & Engineering

Past Recipients

Yuvraj Gupta | BTech Civil Engineering

Instituted By

Professor Davinder K. Anand

Amount of Scholarship per Year

Rs. 1 Lakh

Number of Scholarships

01 per year


B.Tech students with a minimum CPI of 6.5