भा.प्रौ.सं. गाँधीनगर: उत्कृषटता के 15 वर्षसमाचार

Dr T G Visweswaraiah Scholarship

Dr T G Visweswaraiah Scholarship

Dr T G Visweswaraiah Scholarship has been instituted in the year 2021 and is open to all B.Tech students. The scholarship amount is Rs. 1 lakh per student per year and is awarded to one B.Tech student every year in order to support internships (international or domestic), special projects and opportunities, financial needs, etc. B.Tech students with a minimum CPI of 6.5 are eligible.

Aparna Tumkur is a B.Tech alumnus of 2019 batch with a major in Electrical Engineering, and did her MS from Stanford University. She is currently working as an Engineer at Qualcomm, USA. She was the recipient of the President's Gold medal and the Institute Gold medal. Avinash Tumkur is a B.Tech alumnus of 2014 batch with a major in Mechanical Engineering and did his MBA from Duke Fuqua School of Management, Duke University, USA. He is currently working as a Project Leader at Boston Consulting Group, USA.

‘Dr. T G Visweswaraiah Scholarship’ is instituted in honor of their late grandfather, Dr. T G Visweswaraiah, whose birth centenary is celebrated this year (2021). Dr. Visweswaraiah graduated as a civil engineer from Government Engineering College, Bangalore (presently UVCE) in 1946. He went on to do his PhD at Karlsruhe Technische Hochschule, Germany (presently the University of Karlsruhe). He worked as a Professor at Karnataka Regional Engineering College (presently NITK, Surathkal). He was a visiting faculty at the University of Nairobi, Kenya, and was involved in several World Bank-sponsored projects. He retired in 1990 as a founding principal of Kalpataru Institute of Technology, Karnataka.

Meet the Recipients

Current Recipients (AY 2023-2024)

Yash Sandeep Kokane | BTech Materials Engineering

Past Recipients

Muhammad Yusuf Hassan | B.Tech Electrical Engineering

Mandalia Harsh Devendrabhai | B.Tech Mechanical Engineering

Instituted By

Aparna and Avinash Tumkur

Amount of Scholarship per Year

Rs. 1 Lakh

Number of Scholarships

01 per year


B.Tech students with a minimum CPI of 6.5 are eligible