भा.प्रौ.सं. गाँधीनगर: उत्कृषटता के 15 वर्षसमाचार

Neha & Vinay Gupta Scholarship

Neha & Vinay Gupta Scholarship

Neha & Vinay Gupta Scholarship was instituted in the year 2019 and is open to all B.Tech students. The scholarship amount is Rs. 1 lakh per student per year and is awarded to one B.Tech student every year in order to support internships (international or domestic), special projects and opportunities, financial needs, etc. B.Tech students with a minimum CPI of 6.5 are eligible.

Luv Gupta is a B.Tech Chemical Engineering pioneer batch alumnus of IIT Gandhinagar. He graduated from IITGN in the year 2012 and pursued his MS in Chemical Engineering at Stanford University USA. He worked as a summer research intern in SLAC National Acceleratory Laboratory (USA) and as Business Analytics Intern at Cooliris (Palo Alto, USA). Currently, he works as Data Scientist at Uber in San Francisco Bay Area, USA. Prior to this, he worked as Data Scientist at Verizon Digital Media Services, USA. He has instituted this scholarship in the honour of his father.

Meet the Recipients

Current Recipients (AY 2023-2024)

Adit Atul Rambhia | BTech Materials Engineering

Past Recipient

Jaiswal Bhuvesh Omprakash | BTech Civil Engineering

Eshan Randhir Gujarathi | B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Bhavya Gupta | B.Tech Chemical Engineering

Manvendra S Chauhan | B.Tech Mechanical Engineering

Instituted By

Mr. Luv Gupta

Amount of Scholarship per Year

Rs. 1 Lakh

Number of Scholarships

01 per year


B.Tech students with a minimum CPI of 6.5