भा.प्रौ.सं. गाँधीनगर: उत्कृषटता के 15 वर्षसमाचार

Ashok Jain Scholarship

Ashok Jain Scholarship

Ashok Jain scholarship was instituted by Mr. Sarthak Jain in the year 2019 and is open to all B.Tech students. The scholarship amount is Rs. 1 lakh per student per year and is awarded to one B.Tech student every year in order to support internships (international or domestic), special projects and opportunities, financial needs, etc. B.Tech students with a minimum CPI of 6.5 are eligible.

Sarthak Jain is a B.Tech alumnus of the pioneer batch with a major in Electrical Engineering and a minor in Computer Science and Engineering. He is the Co-Founder and CEO of NanoNets: Machine Learning API. “Ashok Jain Scholarship” is set up by Sarthak Jain, a pioneer batch alumnus, in the honor of his late father Mr Ashok Jain. The scholarship of Rs. 1 lakh per year supports the undergraduate students for funding their international internships, projects, and other needs.

Meet the Recipients

Current Recipients (AY 2023-2024)

Aryan Anand Gsavi | BTech Mechanical Engineering

Past Recipient

Patwardhan Saniya Abhay | BTech Mechanical Engineering

Sachin Yadav | B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Sachin Yadav | B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Shreyas Singh | B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Instituted By

Mr. Sarthak Jain

Amount of Scholarship per Year

Rs. 1 Lakh

Number of Scholarships

01 per year


B.Tech students with a minimum CPI of 6.5