भा.प्रौ.सं. गाँधीनगर: उत्कृषटता के 15 वर्षसमाचार

Reservation Cell

IITGN has a Reservation Cell with the following terms of reference:

(a) To monitor Reservation Rosters for employees in the institute

(b) To function as a Grievances Redressal Cell for the relevant grievance of SC, ST, OBC and PwD students and employees of the institute and render them necessary support

(c) To maintain information pertaining to enrolment and recruitment of members of SC, ST, OBC and PwD

Students, staff and faculty are free to contact the cell with regard to points mentioned above.
Email: rcell@iitgn.ac.in

Committee members:

Prof. Ambika Aiyadurai

Assistant Professor | Convener
Email: a.ambika@iitgn.ac.in
VOIP: +91-79-23952514

Prof. Chandrakumar Appayee

Associate Professor | Member
Email: a.chandra@iitgn.ac.in
VOIP: +91-7923952462

Mr. Pranav S. Rohit

Assistant Registrar | Member
Email: psrohit@iitgn.ac.in
VOIP: +91-7923952460

Mr. Pijush Majumdar

Assistant Registrar – Faculty Affairs | Member
Email: pijush@iitgn.ac.in
VOIP: +91-7923952037

Mr. Biresh Choubey

Assistant Registrar - Student Affairs | Member
Email: bireshc@iitgn.ac.in
VOIP: +91-7923952111