भा.प्रौ.सं. गाँधीनगर: उत्कृषटता के 15 वर्षसमाचार

Marcos Inácio Severo de Almeida


Marcos Inácio Severo de Almeida

Scholar-in-Residence, Computer Science & Engineering

  • MSc: Federal University of Viçosa, MG, 2008
  • PhD: University of Brasília, DF, 2016

  • Selected Publications

    1. Fávero, L. P. L., Souza, R. F., Belfiore, P., Luppe, M. R., & Severo, M. (2022). Global relationship between economic growth and CO2 emissions across time: a multilevel approach. International Journal of Global Warming, 26(1), 38-63.

    2. Vieira, V. A., Agnihotri, R., Almeida, M. I. S. de, & Lopes, E. L. (2022). How cashback strategies yield financial benefits for retailers: The mediating role of consumers’ program loyalty. Journal of Business Research, 141, 200-212.

    3. Vieira, V. A., Almeida, M. I. S. de, Gabler, C. B., Limongi, R., Costa, M., & Costa, M. P. da. (2022). Optimising digital marketing and social media strategy: from push to pull to performance. Journal of Marketing Management, 38(7-8), 708-739.

    4. Vieira, V. A. V., Almeida, M. I. S. de, & Schreiner, T. F. (2022). Amplifying retailers’ sales with a hub’s owned and earned social media: The moderating role of marketplace organic search. Industrial Marketing Management, 101, 165-175.

    5. Almeida, M. I. S. de, Coelho, R., Porto, R., & Oliveira, D. (2020). Deviances from planned purchases: consumer learning history and behavior setting implications for consumer spending. Review of Business Management, 20(2), 331-347.

  • Work Experience

    • Scholar-in-Residence, Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India (September 2022 - present)
    • Associate (Research) Professor, Federal University of Goiás (2016 to present)
    • Assistant Professor, Federal University of Goiás (2011 – 2016)
    • Collaborator Professor, Maringá State University (2021-now)
    • Adjunct Faculty, Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (2020-now)
    • Research track leader, Brazilian Association of Graduate Programs in Business Administration (2022-now)
    • Research track leader, Brazilian Association of Graduate Programs in Business Administration (2019-2021)
    • Research track leader, Brazilian Association of Graduate Programs in Business Administration (2018-2019)

  • Awards

    1. 2021: Outstanding Graduate (as a Ph.D student in 2012-2016) indicated by PPGA/UNB
      (University of Brasilia) to the Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of
      Graduate Education (Capes)

    2. 2021: Outstanding Graduate (as a Masters’ student in 2006-2008) indicated by PPGAdm/UFV
      (Federal University of Viçosa) to the Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of
      Graduate Education (Capes)

    3. 2021: Outstanding instrutor – Marketing Analytics course. Feedback from students. Indian
      Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGN)

    4. 2021: Public Policy implementation by the Public Administration of the State of Goiás. The results
      of one of my research projects was used by the Goiás Court of Justice. Consisted in the
      offering of grape juice in conciliation hearings, with the objective of improving the judiciary’s
      conciliation indicators.

    5. 2021: Recognition of Merit by Universidade Federal de Viçosa (Federal University of Viçosa,
      Brazil, PPGAdm) for one of the fifteen prominent graduate in the last 15 years (2005-2020)

    6. 2020: Finalist of the JAMS/Sheth Foundation Award for the best marketing paper published in the
      Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science in 2019. Article “In pursuit of an effective B2B
      digital marketing strategy”

    7. 2018: Winner of the Best Marketing Paper published in Brazilian journals. Article “Who leads
      your opinion? Opinion leaders’ influence on virtual engagement” (awarded at the 8th
      Brazilian Marketing Conference organized by ANPAD)

    8. 2017: Finalist of Emerald Publishing Awards for Excelence Outstanding Paper for the article
      “Does social media matter for post typology? Impact of post content on Facebook and
      Instagram metrics”, published on Online Information Review, 40(4)

    9. 2017: Winner of the Best Paper with implication for retail Award at the 10th Latin
      American Retail Conference (CLAV 2017)

    10. 2014 Finalist of the Best Paper Award at the 6th Brazilian Marketing Conference organized
      by ANPAD (the official Business Researchers and Educators organization in Brazil)

    11. 2013: Winner of the Best theme Paper Award (Consumer Behavior) at the 16th SEMEAD
      Conference, organized by University of São Paulo (USP)

    12. 2013: Winner of the Best area Paper Award (Marketing) at the 16th SEMEAD
      Conference, organized by University of São Paulo (USP)

    13. 2013: Recognition of Merit by Universidade Federal de Goiás (Federal University of Goiás,
      Brazil) for the two Best Paper Awards received at the 16th SEMEAD Conference,
      organized by University of São Paulo (USP)