Building & Works' Tenders
Sr. No. | Tender Document | Date of Posting | Date of closing | Description | 301 | 17.04.2021 | 23.04.2021 | Providing and fixing curtains and bathroom built-in cabinets in Director Residence at IIT Gandhinagar, Palaj, Gandhinagar. |
302 | 17.04.2021 | 26.04.2021 | Construction of Built in (Fixed) furniture in common area of Guest House, Camp office and Director residence at IIT Gandhinagar, Palaj, Gandhinagar. | |
303 | 08.04.2021 | 15.04.2021 | Providing and fixing curtains and bathroom built-in cabinets in Director Residence at IIT Gandhinagar, Palaj, Gandhinagar. | |
304 | 07.04.2021 | 14.04.2021 | Provision of Chilled water air-conditions system for UPS room of AB-5 & 6 and addition and alteration in AB 5/209 lab at IITGN (Civil work) at IITGN, Palaj, Gandhinagar. | |
305 | 06.04.2021 | 13.04.2021 | Providing BTU meter in Plant room for existing HVAC chilled water lines of hostel at Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar | |
306 | 19.03.2021 | 29.03.2021 | Providing BTU meter in Plant room for existing HVAC chilled water lines of hostel at Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar. | |
307 |
PDF Enquiry: |
19.03.2021 Extention from 01.04.2021 |
01.04.2021 Extention to 05.04.2021 |
Comprehensive maintenance and Operation of Chilled water type HVAC system for year 2021-2022 at IIT Gandhinagar |
308 | 12.03.2021 | 22.03.2021 | Providing and fixing Stainless steel (Grade 304) stand for Dustbins at IIT Gandhinagar, Palaj, Gandhinagar | |
309 | 10.03.2021 | 22.03.2021 | Providing Projectors for class room in Academic Block 1,2 &7 and replacement of touch Panel in Academic Block -2 at IIT Gandhinagar.(SH- Replacement of Projectors) | |
310 | 04.03.2021 | 12.03.2021 | Providing BTU meter in Plant room for existing HVAC chilled water lines of hostel at Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar. | |
311 | 22.02.2021 | 02.03.2021 | Replacement of Defective parts in HT panels at IIT Gandhinagar:- Second Call | |
312 | 19.02.2021 | 04.03.2021 | Provision of Chilled water Air conditioning system for UPS room of AB-5 & 6 and Addition and alteration in AB-5/209 lab at Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar. | |
313 | 10.02.2021 | 17.02.2021 | Supplementary items for C/o Academic Building (Phase 1A) development of permanent campus of IIT Gandhinagar at Palaj, Gandhinagar. SH: SITC of Video & E-learning System in Academic Buildings -- Supply and Fixing of the Projector LAMP at IIT Gandhinagar, Palaj Gandhinagar Gujarat. | |
314 | 10.02.2021 | 17.02.2021 | Supplementary items for C/o Academic Building (Phase 1A) development of permanent campus of IIT Gandhinagar at Palaj, Gandhinagar. SH: SITC of Video & E-learning System in Academic Buildings -- Supply and Fixing of Battery of the Crestron Touch panel at IIT Gandhinagar Palaj Gandhinagar Gujarat. | |
315 | 09.02.2021 | 31.03.2021 | Expression of Interest (EOI) For Empanelment of Contractors/Vendors | |
316 | 01.02.2021 | 08.02.2021 | Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGN) invites sealed quotations for the work "Supply and Fixing of open shelf in triple seater rooms of all Hostel blocks constructed under Phase-lB at llT Gandhinagar" as per following details. | |
317 | 29.01.2021 | 08.02.2021 | Replacement of Defective parts in HT panels at IIT Gandhinagar. | |
318 | 27.01.2021 | 16.02.2021 | Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of VRV/VRF system for Academic Block-7, Classroom no. 104,105,204 & 205 at IITGN Palaj, Gandhinagar. | |
319 |
PDF Enquiry: |
13.01.2021 Extention from 18.02.2021 |
28.01.2021 Extention to 25.02.2021 |
Comprehensive maintenance and operation of Networking, EPABX, CCTV Surveillance, Fire alarm, IBMS, Access control, and UPS the system, etc. during 2021-2022 at IIT Gandhinagar. |
320 |
PDF Enquiry: |
06.01.2021 Extention from 02.02.2021 |
12.01.2021 Extention to 02.03.2021 |
Providing services to control rodents in 07 old hostel blocks and 01 new hostel block at IIT Gandhinagar, Palai, Gandhinagar. |
321 | 31.12.2020 | 12.01.2020 | Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGN) invites sealed quotations from Manufacturer/Authorised dealer of approved makes/specialised firm in the field of VRV/VRF HVAC system for the work “Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of VRV/VRF type AC system at NMR Lab AB-04/102, IIT Gandhinagar” | |
322 | 24.12.2020 | 31.12.2020 | lndian lnstitute of Technology Gandhinagar (llTGN) invites sealed quotations for the work "Construction of Concrete Foundation for Keeping Dynamometer in the Electrical lab in AB-6/104 at lndian lnstitute of Technology Gandhinagar Palaj, Gandhinagar" as per following details. | |
323 | 18.12.2020 | 23.12.2020 | lndian lnstitute of Technology Gandhinagar (llTGN) invites sealed quotations for the work "Construction of Concrete Foundation for Keeping Dynamometer in the Electrical lab in AB-6/104 at lndian lnstitute of Technology Gandhinagar Palaj, Gandhinagar" as per following details. | |
324 | 18.11.2020 | 25.11.2020 | Providing and Laying PNG Gas pipeline at Guest House, IIT Gandhinagar | |
325 | 12.11.2020 | 17.11.2020 | Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGN) invites sealed quotations for the work “Providing and fixing the water resistant partition in the Mechanical lab in AB-6/205 at Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar Palaj, Gandhinagar” as per following details. | |
326 | 04.11.2020 | 14.11.2020 | Providing and Fixing Aluminium Sliding windows in Hostel Blocks at IIT Gandhinagar, Palaj | |
327 | 27.10.2020 | 02.11.2020 | Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGN) invites sealed spot quotations from the specialized firm in the field of HVAC Work, for the work “Providing HVAC facility at GF153 shop Aibaan Hostel at Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar.” as per the schedule. | |
328 |
20.10.2020 Extention from 29.10.2020 |
29.10.2020 Extention to 31.10.2020 |
Periodical services (Painting ) to Academic, Infra, Housing and Hostel buildings at IIT Gandhinagar, Palaj, Gandhinagar during 2020-2021 | |
329 | 14.10.2020 | 26.10.2020 | Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Modular type Online UPS system for server room at IIT Palaj Gandhinagar Gujarat. | |
330 | 14.10.2020 | 21.02.2020 | Supply of the Projector LAMP at IIT Gandhinagar Palaj Gandhinagar Gujarat (Risk and Cost of M/s Honeywell Automation India Ltd.) | |
331 | 13.10.2020 | 19.10.2020 | Providing and fixing Stainless steel stand for Dustbins at IIT Gandhinagar, Palaj, Gandhinagar. | |
332 | 26.09.2020 | 05.10.2020 | Providing water proofing to planters, floor area open to sky, dummy sunken floors, covering of floor by sheet and other miscellaneous addition/alteration works in academic block AB1 and AB2 at IIT Gandhinagar, Palaj, Gandhinagar | |
333 | 23.09.2020 | 30.09.2020 | Supplementary items for C/o Academic Building (Phase 1A) development of permanent campus of for IIT Gandhinagar at Palaj, Gandhinagar. SH: Supply of the Projector LAMP at IIT Gandhinagar Palaj Gandhinagar Gujarat (Risk and Cost of M/s Honeywell Automation India Ltd.) | |
334 | 21.09.2020 | 28.09.2020 | “Provision of mechanical water proofing treatment to expansion/crumple joints in non- assessable bridge and other places in all Academic Block at IITGN.” | |
335 | 03.09.2020 | 08.09.2020 | Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGN) invites quotations from the reputed and experienced contractors / vendors who are duly approved by M/s Sabarmati Gas Ltd. for “Providing and Laying PNG Gas pipeline at Guest House, IIT Gandhinagar” as per the enclosed schedule. | |
336 | 25.08.2020 | 02.09.2020 | Providing and Laying PNG Gas pipeline at Guest House, IIT Gandhinagar | |
337 | 22.08.2020 | 31.08.2020 | Refilling of Fire CO2 Type Fire Extinguishers at IIT Gandhinagar | |
338 | 20.08.2020 | 31.08.2020 | SITC of Data networking System, CCTV Surveillance, Fire Alarm System, IBMS, Access Control System & UPS in residential Buildings, Student Hostel, Academic Buildings & External Infrastructure (Phase 1A) for llT Gandhinagar at Palaj, Gandhinagar. SH: Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the SMF batteries for Online UPS system at IIT Gandhinagar Palaj Gandhinagar Gujarat (Risk and Cost of M/s Honeywell Automation India Ltd.) | |
339 |
PDF Enquiry: |
19.08.2020 Extention from 26.08.2020 |
26.08.2020 Extention to 31.08.2020 |
Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGN) invites sealed quotations from Manufacturer/Authorised agents of M/s Volt Amps / Specialised firms in the field of maintenance and repair of Substations for the work “ Replacement of defective Primary / Secondary winding of 315 KVA Volt Amps Transformer at IIT Gandhinagar” as per the enclosed schedule. |
340 |
PDF Enquiry: |
18.08.2020 | 07.09.2020 | Manning and operation of housekeeping, horticulture and other allied services for Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, Palaj, Gandhinagar during 2020-2021 |
341 | 14.08.2020 | 21.08.2020 | The Superintending Engineer, llT Gandhinagar, Palaj, Gandhinagar on behalf of Director, llT Gandhinagar invites sealed quotations from approved and eligible contractors enlisted in llT Gandhinagar and those working in the Institute for the following work of "Supplying of Portable Fogging Machine at llT Gandhinagar, Palaj, Gandhinagar" as per the enclosed schedule. | |
342 | 05.08.2020 | 14.08.2020 | Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGN) invites sealed spot quotations from the Reputed contractor who has successfully completed HVAC work or Exhaust system work experience, for the work “Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of exhaust system for laser cutting machine in Lab AB-5/109 and exhaust system for wood cutting area in workshop at IIT Gandhinagar.” | |
343 | 31.07..2020 | 18.08.2020 | Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGN) invites sealed quotations on behalf of Director IITGN, in two bid system, from manufacturer /specialised Firms in the field of extra low voltage services in a building/ Campus including data networking/ Integrated building Management system for the following work as per the enclosed schedule. | |
344 | 29.07.2020 | 11.08.2020 | Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGN) invites sealed quotations from the registered electrical contractor of CPWD/MES/ Central PSU/Railway/IIT Gandhinagar, for the work “Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning of LED light fixture at AB4/214, 216 Classrooms IIT Gandhinagar” as per the schedule. | |
345 | 24.07.2020 | 06.08.2020 | Providing drinking water cooler cum fountain for Phase-1 A works (Guest House and Research Park) at IIT Gandhinagar. | |
346 | 24.07.2020 | 06.08.2020 | Annual Comprehensive Maintenance of Passenger Lifts, Passenger cum goods lift & Service lift installed in Hostel & Academic Building at IIT Gandhinagar. | |
347 | 23.07.2020 | 30.07.2020 | Providing & Fixing of Sheer Curtains in Guest Rooms (92 Nos.) at the Guest House of IIT Gandhinagar | |
348 | 08.07.2020 | 20.07.2020 | Providing Air Conditioning for Common Instrument Facility Lab 5/103 at IIT Gandhinagar | |
349 |
PDF Enquiry: |
01.07.2020 | 06.07.2020 | Replacement of defective Primary / Secondary winding of 315 KVA Volt Amps Transformer at IIT Gandhinagar. |
350 | 29.06.2020 | IIT Gandhinagar invites Expression of interest (EOI) from experienced and expert artist in Traditional Indian art work for supplying and fixing or castin-situ art work at four locations in newly constructed Guest house | ||
351 | 29.06.2020 | 06.07.2020 | Supply installation, testing and commissioning of automatic Hand dryer at Academic Building’s toilets at IIT Gandhinagar Palaj Gandhinagar (Gujarat) | |
352 |
PDF Enquiry: |
29.06.2020 | 15.07.2020 | Annual repair & comprehensive maintenance of Housing and Hostel building at llT Gandhinagar, Palaj, Gandhinagar during 2020-2021. |
353 | 22.06.2020 | 25.06.2020 | Supply Installation Testing and Commissioning of Inverter Units in Housing Block No.05 at IITGN Palaj, Gandhinagar | |
354 | 16.06.2020 | 01.07.2020 | The Superintending Engineer, IIT Gandhinagar, Palaj, Gandhinagar invites online item rate bids on behalf of Director, IITGN in two bid system for the work: Annual repair & comprehensive maintenance of academic blocks & Infrastructure facilities of phase 1A. | |
355 | 11.06.2019 | 18.06.2019 | Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGN) invites sealed quotations from the registered electrical contractor of CPWD/MES/ Central PSU/Railway/IIT Gandhinagar, for the work “Providing VRV/VRF Air-conditioning system for Emeit Hostel Library and Canteen at IIT Gandhinagar Palaj, Gandhinagar (SH: Providing Power outlet and LT cabling work )” as per the schedule. | |
356 | 11.06.2020 | 25.06.2020 | Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGN) invites sealed quotations on behalf of Director IITGN, in two bid system, from manufacturer /Authorized Dealer/ Specialized firm in the field of supply, installation, testing and commissioning of automatic hand dryer for the following work as per the enclosed schedule. | |
357 |
PDF Enquiry: |
28.05.2020 | 04.06.2020 | Pest control service for rodent control in Academic Building Blocks 3,4,5,6 & 7 at IIT Gandhinagar, Palaj, Gandhinagar. |
358 | 28.05.2020 | 10.06.2020 | Supply installation, testing and commissioning of automatic Hand dryer at Academic Building’s toilets at IIT Gandhinagar Palaj Gandhinagar (Gujarat) | |
359 |
PDF Enquiry: |
22.05.2020 | 08.06.2020 | Comprehensive Maintenance and Operation and maintenance of E & M installation of residential and non- residential buildings of IITGN campus at Palaj, Gandhinagar during 2020-21 |
360 | 20.05.2020 | 21.05.2020 | Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGN) invites sealed quotations from Manufacturer/Authorised agents/ specialised firm for repair of 315 KVA dry type Transformer as per the enclosed schedule | |
361 | 27.04.2020 | 04.05.2020 | Pest control service for rodent control in Academic Building Blocks 3,4,5,6 & 7 at IIT Gandhinagar, Palaj, Gandhinagar | |
362 |
PDF Enquiry: |
16.03.2020 Extention from 25.03.2020 |
25.03.2020 Extention to 16.04.2020 |
Site Preparation for installation of Equipments of Bio lab in AB-6/207 & Mechanical lab in AB-6/205 at Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (SH:Pdg BMS system and fire alarm system). |
363 | 12.03.2020 | 27.03.2020 | Providing and Laying PNG Gas pipeline at Guest House, IIT Gandhinagar | |
364 | 27.02.2020 | 10.03.2020 | Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGN) invites sealed quotations from Manufacturer/Authorised dealer of Train Chiller / Eligible Electrical Contractor in appropriate category in IITGN/CPWD/MES/BSNL/Railway and State PWD as per the enclosed schedule. | |
365 |
PDF Enquiry: |
22.02.2020 | 02.03.2020 | Addition and alteration work in Academic phase 1A, Extension of basketball court and construction of 3No. Compost pit near bio gas plant, at IITGN. |
366 |
PDF Enquiry: |
22.02.2020 | 29.02.2020 | Site Preparation for installation of equipment of Bio lab in AB-6/207 & Mechanical lab in AB-6/205 at Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (SH: Civil work & Internal Electrical) |
367 | 19.02.2020 | 28.02.2020 | Providing and fixing Stainless steel stand for Dustbins at IIT gandhinagar, Palaj, Gandhinagar. | |
368 | 04.02.2020 | 17.02.2020 | Site Preparation for installation of Equipments of Bio lab in AB-6/207 & Mechanical lab in AB-6/205 at Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (SH: HVAC work) | |
369 | 31.01.2020 | 12.02.2020 | Overhauling of HT Panel,VCBs and Packaged Substations at IIT Gandhinagar :- Second Call | |
370 | 29.01.2020 | 14.02.2020 | Operation and maintenance of E & M installation of residential and non-residential buildings of IITGN campus at Palaj, Gandhinagar during 2019-20 (SH :Supply of Chemical Compounds for Water Treatment system) | |
371 | 21.01.2020 | 27.01.2020 | Providing Part plantation in Amphitheatre at IIT Gandhinagar, Palaj- Gandhinagar. | |
372 | 17.01.2020 | 10.02.2020 | SITC Kitchen equipment at Student Hostels Phase 1B, IIT Gandhinagar | |
373 | 17.01.2020 | 30.01.2020 | Providing Air Conditioning for Common Instrument Facility Lab 5/103 at IIT Gandhinagar | |
374 | 14.01.2020 | 24.01.2020 | SITC Room Signage in new Hostels Block at IIT Gandhinagar, Palaj, Gandhinagar | |
375 | 14.01.2020 | 30.01.2020 | SITC of VRV/VRF system for Academic Block7, Classroom no. 104,105,204 & 205 at IITGN Palaj, Gandhinagar | |
376 | 03.01.2020 | 10.01.2020 | Providing and fixing Industrial/Commercial type split AC units as back up cooling system for chillier units of TEM equipment at IIT Gandhinagar | |
377 | 18.12.2019 | 30.12.2019 | Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGN) invites quotations from the reputed and experienced contractors / vendors for “Manufacturing and supply of dual dust bins at IIT Gandhinagar, Palaj” as per the enclosed schedule. | |
378 | 18.12.2019 | 28.12.2019 | Construction of Pilot Lab including Electrical works near Biogas plant at IITGN, Palaj, Gandhinagar. | |
379 | 18.12.2019 | 30.12.2019 | Providing and fixing of wooden gate at ground floor in staircase in the housing blocks to prevent entry dogs at IIT Gandhinagar, Palaj. | |
380 | 16.12.2019 | 02.01.2020 | Overhauling of HT Panel,VCBs and Packaged Substations at IIT Gandhinagar | |
381 | 14.12.2019 | 02.01.2020 | Manufacturing and Providing furniture for Guest House at IIT Gandhinagar | |
382 | 10.12.2019 | 16.12.2019 | Manufacturing and supply of dual dust bins at IIT Gandhinagar, Palaj. | |
383 | 05.12.2019 | 13.12.2019 | Post construction anti-termite treatment in Housing & Hostel blocks at IIT Gandhinagar, Palaj, Gandhinagar. | |
384 | 27.11.2019 | 12.12.2019 | Servicing of ACBs provided in the MV panels and packaged Substations at IIT Gandhinagar | |
385 | 18.11.2019 | 27.11.2019 | Providing services to control rodents in 06 old hostel blocks and 01 new hostel block at IIT Gandhinagar, PalaJ, Gandhinagar. | |
386 | 15.11.2019 | 26.11.2019 | Providing and Fixing of wooden gate at ground floor in staircase in the housing blocks to prevent entry of dogs at llT Gandhinagar, Palaj, Gandhinaqar | |
387 | 15.11.2019 | 21.11.2019 | Providing & Fixing of sample curtains for guest room windows in Guest house At Palaj, IIT Gandhinagar | |
388 | 30.10.2019 | 15.11.2019 | Non comprehensive Annual Service maintenance contract for 500 & 140 kVA Cummins Engine at IIT Gandhinagar. - Second call | |
389 | 30.10.2019 | 08.10.2019 | Supplying and fixing of Single-core HT cable and Faulty Relay replacement in Hostel Substation at IIT Gandhinagar. - Second call | |
390 | 22.10.2019 | 31.10.2019 | Operation and maintenance of E & M installation of residential and non-residential buildings of IITGN campus at Palaj. | |
391 | 22.10.2019 | 06.11.2019 | Extension of temporary shed at laundry building and C/o lean to roof shed at Biogas plant, At Palaj IIT Gandhinagar. | |
392 | 21.10.2019 | 30.10.2019 | Non-Comprehensive Annual Service maintenance contract for 500 & 140 kVA Cummins Engine at IIT Gandhinagar | |
393 | 21.10.2019 | 28.10.2019 | Servicing of Solar Water Heaters at IIT Gandhinagar | |
394 | 21.10.2019 | 29.10.2019 | Supplying and fixing of Single core HT cable and Faulty Relay replacement in Hostel Substation at IIT Gandhinagar | |
395 | 07.10.2019 | 21.10.2019 | The Superintending Engineer, IIT Gandhinagar, Palaj, Gandhinagar invites online item rate bids on behalf of Director, IITGN in two bid system for the following work. | |
396 | 29.08.2019 | 12.09.2019 | SITC Remote control units for Hi Wall AC units at Hostels, IITGN | |
397 | 28.08.2019 | 04.09.2019 | Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGN) invites sealed quotations for the work “SITC Room Signage in Hostel J at IIT Gandhinagar, Palaj, Gandhinagar” as per following schedule. | |
398 |
PDF Enquiry: |
26.08.2019 | 06.09.2019 | Site preparation for installation of tem Equipment at AB-6/110 at IITGN Gandhinagar (SH:Pdg BMS system and fire alarm system) |
399 | 26.08.2019 | 03.09.2019 | Providing and laying of PVC Heavy Duty Vinyal Flooring in TEM Lab at AB-6/110 at IIT Gandhinagar, Palaj | |
400 |
PDF Enquiry: |
22.08.2019 | 05.09.2019 | Pdg Speed Radar Sign on Roads of Housing Campus at IITGN Gandhinagar |