MTech Programmes
IIT Gandhinagar invites applications to MTech programmes for the academic year 2025-2026 in the following disciplines:
- ❑ Biological Engineering,
- ❑ Chemical Engineering,
- ❑ Civil Engineering,
- ❑ Computer Science and Engineering,
- ❑ Artificial Intelligence,
- ❑ Earth System Science,
- ❑ Electrical Engineering,
- ❑ Integrated Circuit Design and Technology,
- ❑ Mechanical Engineering,
- ❑ Materials Engineering
The M.Tech. Curriculum at IIT Gandhinagar has been designed to be highly creative with a focus on interdisciplinary skills and high quality thesis work.
Important Dates
12 March 2025
Application Open
16 April 2025 by 5:00 PM
Application Deadline

Eligibility Criteria
Minimum of 55% marks/5.5 CGPA/CPI (on a 10 point scale) in BE/BTech/BS (4 year duration) /MSc or equivalent in appropriate branches (50% marks/5.0 CGPA/CPI for students from SC/ST/PwD categories).
Candidates who have a valid GATE score (at the time of interview/written test) are eligible to apply for M.Tech.
B.Tech. graduates from the IITs with CGPA/CPI of 8.0 or above (on scale of 10) would be eligible to admission without having to appear in GATE.
The eligibility criteria mentioned above is minimum and the disciplines may use higher cut-off levels for shortlisting. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/PD categories would be eligible for relaxations, as per norms, in the selection criteria.
Financial Support
Candidates admitted to full-time M.Tech. programmes will be eligible for a monthly scholarship of Rs.12,400/-.
Candidates admitted to PGDIIT programmes will not receive any stipend/scholarship.
Travel Scholarships
Institute encourages M.Tech. students to present their research work at national and international conferences. Financial support of up to Rs. 60000/- is available for full-time students for presenting their research work at international conferences.
Find Out More
Explore details about the various opportunities for scholarships and awards.

Admission Procedure
For applying to Regular MTech programmes, Common Offer Acceptance Portal (COAP) registration number is mandatory, except for those who have completed their BTech from an IIT. The admission offers to MTech. Programme (Full-time) will have to be accepted on the COAP. More information regarding COAP can be found at https://gate.iisc.ac.in/coap2025
Students who have done/doing their BTech from an IIT and maintains CPI of 8.0 or above are eligible to apply without a GATE score or COAP registration number. The application of any candidate who fills-out the COAP registration number in the application form will be processed as per COAP norms.
Admission is generally offered on the basis of GATE Score and/or interview and/or a written test. The Institute will invite a limited number of candidates for a written test (if any) and/or interview based on their academic records and/or GATE score. The Institute reserves the right to use its own judgment while determining the candidate's level of competency based on the available information.
The written test (if any) is generally based on the topics related to general aptitude (logical reasoning, analytical and numerical ability, etc.), engineering mathematics, and basic courses in various disciplines up to 3rd year of undergraduate programme. The candidates who do not qualify in the written test need not appear for the interview. The reserved category candidates will be given due relaxation in cutoff marks as per the norms.
The interview and the written test (if any) may be conducted via online platforms or in offline mode, details of which will be shared soon.

Application Procedure
All applications must be submitted online. If you are applying for more than one discipline, please submit a separate application for each discipline. After successful submission of the application form, you will receive an application number and a link to download the application form.
Please save the application form. You need to furnish hardcopy of the application form and self attested copies of all the relevant documents at the time of interview. Incomplete applications will be rejected.
Application Fees: Rs. 150/- (SC/ST/PD Category), Rs. 300/- (Others)
You NEED NOT send the hard-copy of the application form.
For further information, you may contact us at admission@iitgn.ac.in