S Hari Charan Cherukuri

S Hari Charan Cherukuri
Research Associate, Electrical Engineering
- BE: Anna University Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 2011
- MTech: SASTRA University, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, 2014
- PhD: VIT, Vellore, 2019
Email: h.cherukuri -AT- iitgn.ac.in
Work experience
- Research Associate, Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, (Jul 2020 to present)
Selected Publications
Cherukuri, S. H. C., Saravanan, B., & Arunkumar, G. “Experimental evaluation of the performance of virtual storage units in hybrid micro grids.” International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Vol. 114, 105379, 2020.
Cherukuri, S.H.C., Kuhada, R.B., Kachhad, V.M., and Pindoriya, N.M. , “A real time control strategy for improvement of autonomous operation in AC/DC micro grids using electric springs,” International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, Early Access, October 2020.
Jayabarathi, T., Raghunathan,T., R. Sanjay, R., Aditya Jha, Mirjalili, S., Cherukuri, S.H.C., “ Hybrid Grey Wolf Optimizer based Optimal Capacitor Placement in Radial Distribution Systems,” Electric Power Components and Systems, Accepted for publication, August 2020.
Cherukuri, S. H. C., Saravanan, B., & Arunkumar, G. “A rule based approach for improvement of autonomous operation of hybrid micro grids.” Electrical Engineering, Vol. 102, pp. 989-1004, 2020.
Cherukuri, S. H. C., Saravanan, B. “Hybrid energy management strategy for residential consumers using virtual and actual storage systems.” Journal of Energy Storage, Vol. 25, 100894, 2019.
Cherukuri, S. H. C., Saravanan, B. "A novel energy management algorithm for reduction of main grid dependence in future smart grids using electric springs." Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, vol. 21, pp. 1-12, 2017.
Cherukuri, S. H. C., Saravanan, B. "An overview of selected topics in smart grids." Frontiers in Energy, Vol.10(4), pp. 441-458, 2016.
- CSIR fellowship for doctoral studies