Horthing V. Zimik

Horthing V. Zimik
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Earth Sciences
- BSc: St. Anthony’s College, Shillong, 2012
- MSc: Pondicherry University, 2014
- PhD: Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, 2020
Email: horthing.zv -AT- iitgn.ac.in
Work experience
- Post-Doctoral Fellow , Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India (May 2022 - Present)
- Research Associate , Department of Science and Technology’s Centre of Excellence on Water Resources, Cryosphere and Climate Change Studies, Sikkim University, Gangtok, India (October 2020 – April 2022)
Selected Publications
Zimik, H. V., T. Angchuk, A. K. Misra, R. K. Ranjan, N. Wanjari, S. Basnett, (2022) GIS-based identification of potential watershed recharge zones using analytic hierarchy process in Sikkim Himalayan region. Applied Water Science. 12 (248)
Farooq, S. H., H. V. Zimik, Sveinbjornsdottir A. E. (2022) The feasibility of harnessing the geothermal areas of the Indian State of Odisha: Hydrochemical characteristic and stable isotope systematics of the waters. Geothermics. 105: 102501
Zimik, H. V., S. H. Farooq, P. Prusty (2021) Source characterisation of trace elements and assessment of heavy metals contamination in the soil around Tarabalo geothermal field, Nayagarh district, Odisha, India. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 14 (988)
Prusty, P., S. H. Farooq, H. V. Zimik, S. S. Barik (2018) Assessment of the factors controlling groundwater quality in a coastal aquifer adjacent to the Bay of Bengal, India. Environmental Earth Sciences. 77 (762)
Zimik, H. V., S. H. Farooq, P. Prusty (2017) Geochemical evaluation of thermal springs in Odisha, India. Environmental Earth Science. 76 (593)