Challenge: Visual Story on Impact of Coronavirus

Our world is in lockdown. The systems that we have set around us to function as individuals and as a society are disrupted. We are forced to make changes to every aspect of our lives, both personal and social. This condition is creating situations never imagined before.

We are witnessing many “once in a lifetime” experiences. We can describe these situations from various viewpoints. They may be unusual from their functional/social/economic aspects. We may observe a wide spectrum of emotions, such as disappointment from the abrupt changes, anxiety because of uncertainty, bonding between close family members, pride in humanitarian gestures, and our collective emotions as countrymen and as a humanity. Some situations may be interpreted as funny, some puzzling, a few opportunistic and so on...
Share some of these stories with the world.
Your challenge is to create a visual narrative or a story with pictures or visuals with only a few words. The top submissions will receive cumulative cash awards of Rs 10,000.
⦿ Choose any interesting/intriguing/entertaining story arising from the lock-down that you have witnessed; it can also be speculative.
⦿ Convert the story to frames with pictures/visuals (refer to comic strips/illustrative books).
⦿ You are free to draw/paint/ photograph/design graphics or use a combination. The photograph or visual must be your own work product. Please be safe, and do not violate social distancing and lockdown norms.
⦿ Visuals can be supported by minimal text. Limit the number of frames to a maximum 12 and the text to 100 words; fewer frames and words are acceptable.
⦿ Submit your visual story on a single sheet in *.jpg /*.pdf format.
⦿ Include a title (top left corner) and your name and roll number (bottom right corner).
⦿ Deadline for submissions is April 27.
⦿ Please email submission to
⦿ A total of Rs 10,000 in cash awards ranging from Rs 1,000 to Rs 3,000.