Gadadhar Misra

Gadadhar Misra
Visiting Professor, Mathematics
- MSc: Sambalpur University, Burla, 1979
- PhD: Stony Brook University, NY, 1982
Email: gadadhar.misra -AT-
Selected Publications
Sameer Chavan and G. Misra, Notes on the Brown-Douglas-Fillmore Theorem, Cambridge - IISc Series, July 2021
G. Misra and H. Upmeier, Toeplitz C*-Algebras on boundary orbits of symmetric domains, In: Bauer W., Duduchava R., Grudsky S., Kaashoek M. (eds) Operator Algebras, Toeplitz Operators and Related Topics. Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, 279 (2020), 307 - 341, Birkh채user.
S. Ghara and G. Misra, Decomposition of the tensor product of two Hilbert modules, In: Curto R.E., Helton W., Lin H., Tang X., Yang R., Yu G. (eds) Operator Theory, Operator Algebras and Their Interactions with Geometry and Topology. Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, 278 (2020), 221 - 265, Birkhäuser.
G. Misra and H. Upmeier, Singular Hilbert modules on Jordan-Kepler varieties, In: Curto R.E., Helton W., Lin H., Tang X., Yang R., Yu G. (eds) Operator Theory, Operator Algebras and Their Interactions with Geometry and Topology. Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, 278 (2020), 425 - 453, Birkhäuser.
R. Gupta and G. Misra Caratheodory-Fejer interpolation problem for the polydisc, Studia Math., 254 (2020), 265-293.
G. Misra Operators in the Cowen-Douglas class and related topics, 87 - 137, CRC Press/Chapman Hall Handb. Math. Ser., CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2019. 47
Work Experience
- Visiting Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, (from Nov 2021) and J C Bose National Fellow at Indian Statistical Institute Bangalore (from August 2021)
- Convener, Analysis and Probability Research Group, IISC, (Jul 2017 - Jul 2021)
- Professor, Department of Mathematics, IISC, (Jul 2007 - Jul 2021)
- Chairman, Department of Mathematics, IISC, (Sep 2013 - May 2019)
- Professor, Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore, (1993 - 2007)
- Associate Professor, Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore, (1989 - 1993)
- Lecturer, Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore, (1988 - 1989)
- Lecturer, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, (1986 - 1988)
- Visiting Scientist, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, (1985 - 1986)
- Visiting Assistant Professor, University of California, Irvine (1984 - 1985)
- Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Georgia, Athens (1982 - 1984)
Alumni Award for Excellence in Research, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, (2019)
Biju Patnaik Award for Scientific Excellence, Odisha Bigyan Academy, (2013)
S. S. Bhatnagar Prize,CSIR, 2001
J C Bose National Fellowship, DST, (2008 - Present)
Fellow, National Academy of Sciences, India, elected, (2012)
Fellow and Vice-President (2018-2020), Indian National Science Academy, elected, (2009)
Fellow, Indian Academy of Sciences, elected, (1999)