Arnab Saha

Arnab Saha
Associate Professor, Mathematics
- BSc: Chennai Mathematical Institute, 2004
- MSc: Chennai Mathematical Institute, 2006
- PhD: University of New Mexico, 2012
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Selected Publications
Delta Characters and Crystalline Cohomology (with S. Pandit), (submitted)
Delta Characters in Positive Characteristic and Galois Representations (with S. Pandit), (submitted).
On de Rham Cohomology of Drinfeld Modules of Rank 2 (with S. Pandit).
Canonical Witt Formal Scheme Extensions and p-torsion Groups (with A. Bertapelle and N. Mazzari), (submitted).
On the refined Koblitz conjecture, (with S. Dey, J. Sivaraman and A. Vatwani), (submitted).
Arithmetic Jet Spaces (with A. Bertapelle and E. Previato), arXiv:2003:12269 (submitted).
Differential modular forms over totally real fields of non zero integral weights (with D. Banerjee), Research in Number Theory, 7(42), 2021, doi: 10.1007/s40993-021-00269-7.
Isocrystals associated to arithmetic jet spaces of abelian schemes (with J. Borger), Advances in Mathematics, 351: 388-428, 2019.
Differential characters of Drinfeld modules and de Rham cohomology (with J. Borger), Algebra and Number Theory, 13(4): 797–837, 2019
Invariant rational forms for correspondences of curves, Journal of Number Theory 143:170-184, 2014.
The first p-jet space of an elliptic curve: global functions and lifts of Frobenius (with A. Buium), Mathematical Research Letters, 21(4):677- 689, 2014.
Hecke operators on differential modular forms mod p (with A. Buium), Journal of Number Theory 132(5):966-997, 2012.
The ring of differential Fourier expansions (with A. Buium), Journal of Number Theory 132(5):896-937, 2012.
Differential Overconvergence (with A. Buium), Algebraic methods in dynamical systems, volume 94 of Banach Center Publications, pages 99-129. Polish Acad. Sci. Inst. Math., Warsaw, 2011.
Work Experience
- Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (Sep 2023 to Present)
- Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (Jul 2019 to Sep 2023)
- Visiting Fellow, Max Planck Institute, Bonn, Germany (2018 - 2019)
- Visiting Fellow, Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore (2018 - 2018)
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Australian National University, Australia (2012 - 2018)
- Teaching Assistant, University of New Mexico, USA (2006 - 2012)