Aditi Kothiyal
Aditi Kothiyal
Assistant Teaching Professor, Humanities and Social Sciences
- BE: College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University, 2001
- MS: The Ohio State University, 2004
- PhD: IIT Bombay, 2019
Email: aditi.kothiyal -AT-
Selected Publications
- J. Nasir, M. Abderrahim, A. Kothiyal, P. Dillenbourg, “Temporal pathways to learning: how learning emerges in an open-ended collaborative activity”, Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence (2022)
- Y. Li, A. Kothiyal, T. Weber, B. Rossmy, S. Mayer, H. Hussmann, “Designing tangible as an orchestration tool for collaborative activities”, Multimodal Technologies and Interaction 6, (2022).
- J. Nasir, A. Kothiyal, B. Bruno, P. Dillenbourg, “Many are the ways to learn: identifying multi-modal behavioral profiles of collaborative learning in constructivist activities”, International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning December (2021).
- A. Kothiyal, S. Murthy, “Mettle: a modelling-based learning environment for undergraduate engineering estimation problem solving”, Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning 13, 1–28 (2018).
- A. Kothiyal, S. Murthy, S. Chandrasekharan, “Hearts pump and hearts beat: engineering estimation as a form of model-based reasoning”, The 12th International Conference of the Learning Sciences ICLS 2016, Vol. 1 (2016), pp. 242–249.
Work Experience
- Postdoctoral Researcher, CHILI Lab, EPFL, Switzerland (Sep 2019 to June 2022)
- Research Associate, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India (Feb 2019 - Sep 2019)
- International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT) Best Reviewer Award, 2021.
- International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE) Best Reviewer Award, 2020.
- Association for Educational Communications and Technology Award for Outstanding Student Practice of Educational Technology in an International Setting, 2019.
- IIT Bombay Excellence in PhD Research Award, 2019.
- Nominated for “Best Student Paper Award” and “Best Technical Design Award” at ICCE 2017 for the paper Examining Student Learning of Engineering Estimation from MEttLE.