Ramakrishna R Sonde

Ramakrishna R Sonde
Guest Professor, Mechanical Engineering
- BTech: KREC (NITK), Surathkal, India, 1997
- PG: Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Mumbai, India 1980
- PhD: Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India 1985
Selected Publications
R.R. Sonde, M. Bhaskaran, O.P. Gupta, V.N. Sanyasi Rao, D.W. Bapat, S.V. Kulkarni. “Ammonia Absorption System With Improved Coefficient Of Performance”. (Patent No: IN 205574 Year: 2007)
R.R. Sonde, V.K. Raman, J.B. Bornare. “Anaerobic membrane bioreactor system”. (Patent No: IN 299506 Year: 2018)
D.P. Navale, V.V. Dubal, A. Patki, R.R. Sonde. “Air changeover system for metal hydride heat pump”. (Patent No: IN 301134 Year: 2018)
S. Basargekar, D. Gupta, C. Mitra, R.R. Sonde, S. Limaye, A. Patki, K. Chauhan, A. Krishnakumar, A. Deshpande, G. Prasad, R. Maiti, A. Mandowara, R. Voolapalli, R. P. Rakshit, R. Maity. “High Pressure fluidized bed Gasifier and Gasification process thereof”. (Patent No: IN 303355 Year: 2018)
V.P. Bhandarkar, D.V. Kumar, S.S. Misal, R.R. Sonde. “An Air purification system”. (Patent No: AU2018/100807 Year:2018)
D.P. Navale, V.V. Dubal, A. Patki, R.R. Sonde. “Air changeover system for metal hydride heat pump”. (Patent No.: CN201590001413X Year:2018)
Work Experience
- Guest Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar (Sep 2023 – Present)
- Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India (2020 – Dec 2023)
- NTPC, New Delhi (National Thermal Power Corporation), (2002- 2008)
- Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, (1991 - 1995)
- Heavy Water Board, Atomic Energy Commission (1980 – 2002)
- Bhabha Atomic Research Center (BARC), (1979 – 1980)
- Won Gold Medal for my contribution in Nuclear engineering by the Indian
Nuclear Society.
- Won Gold Medal for my contribution in Nuclear engineering by the Indian
- Awarded Dr. Homi Bhabha Gold Medal during golden jubilee celebrations of
India’s Atomic Energy commission.
- Awarded Dr. Homi Bhabha Gold Medal during golden jubilee celebrations of
- Awarded Sir Vishweshwaryya gold Medal for standing frost to the University.
- Awarded Doraiswamy Gold medal in chemical engineering.