Durgesh C. Rai

Durgesh C. Rai
Guest Professor, Civil EngineeringProfessor, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
- BE (Hons.): Regional Engineering College, Tiruchirapalli, 1989
- MS: University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK (USA), 1992
- PhD: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI (USA), 1996
Email: dcrai -AT- iitgn.ac.in
Selected Publications
- Bose, S. and Rai, D. C. (2015). “Lateral load behavior of open ground story RC building with AAC infills in upper stories,” Earthquake Spectra, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI).
- Singhal, V. and Rai, D. C. (2016). “In-plane and out-of-plane behavior of confined masonry walls for various toothing and openings details and prediction of their strength and stiffness,” Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, J. of Intnl. Assoc. of Earthquake Engrg., John Wiley, [DOI: 10.1002/eqe.2783], 19 p.
- Rai, D. C., Singhal, V., Pradhan, T. and Tripathi, A. (2016). “Seismic Vulnerability of monastery temples of stone masonry in Sikkim Himalayas,” Current Science, vol. 110, no. 10, 1947-57.
- Rai, D. C., Singhal, V., Bhushan, R. S. and Sagar, S. L. (2015). “Reconnaissance of the effects of the M7.8 Gorkha (Nepal) Earthquake of April 25, 2015,” Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, Taylor & Francis, 1-15.[ doi:10.1080/19475705.2015.1084955].
- Rai, D. C., Singhal, V., Bhushan, R. S. and Sagar, S. L. (2015). “Performance of residential buildings during M7.8 Gorkha (Nepal) Earthquake,” Current Science, vol. 109, no. 11, 2126-2135 [doi: 10.18520/v109/i11/2126-2135].
Work Experience
- Visiting Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar (July 2017 - Nov 2017)
- Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (2010 - present)
- Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (2005 - 2010)
- Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (2002 - 2005)
- Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee (1999 - 2001)
- Lecturer, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee (1997 - 1999)
- Research Fellow, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA (1996 - 1997)