Auroop R. Ganguly

Auroop R. Ganguly
Guest Professor, Civil EngineeringDirector, Sustainability & Data Sciences Lab (SDS Lab), Northeastern University
Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Affiliate Professor, Computer Science, Northeastern University
(Joint) Chief Scientist, US DOE's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Co-Founder and Chief Scientific Adviser, risQ Inc.
MS: University of Toledo, Ohio, 1997
PhD: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2002
Website :
Selected Publications
Kodra, E., Bhatia, U., Chatterjee, S., Chen, S. and Ganguly, A.R., 2020. Physics-guided probabilistic modeling of extreme precipitation under climate change. Scientific Reports, Nature Research 10(1), pp.1-11.
Konduri, V.S., Kumar, J., Hargrove, W.W., Hoffman, F.M. and Ganguly, A.R., 2020. Mapping crops within the growing season across the United States. Remote Sensing of Environment, 251, p.112048.
Yadav, N., Chatterjee, S. and Ganguly, A.R., 2020. Resilience of urban transport network-of-networks under intense flood hazards exacerbated by targeted attacks. Scientific Reports, Nature Research, 10(1), pp.1-14.
Bhatia, U., Sela, L. and Ganguly, A.R., 2020. Hybrid method of recovery: combining topology and optimization for transportation systems. Journal of Infrastructure Systems, ASCE, 26(3), p.04020024.
Vandal, T., Kodra, E., Dy, J., Ganguly, S., Nemani, R. and Ganguly, A.R., 2018, July. Quantifying uncertainty in discrete-continuous and skewed data with Bayesian deep learning. In KDD 2018, Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining (pp. 2377-2386).
Vandal, T., Kodra, E., Ganguly, S., Michaelis, A., Nemani, R. and Ganguly, A.R., 2017, August. DeepSD: Generating high resolution climate change projections through single image super-resolution. In KDD 2017, Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 1663-1672).
Wang, D., Gouhier, T.C., Menge, B.A. and Ganguly, A.R., 2015. Intensification and spatial homogenization of coastal upwelling under climate change. Nature, 518(7539), pp.390-394.
Ghosh, S., Das, D., Kao, S.C. and Ganguly, A.R., 2012. Lack of uniform trends but increasing spatial variability in observed Indian rainfall extremes. Nature Climate Change, 2(2), pp.86-91.
Steinhaeuser, K., Chawla, N.V. and Ganguly, A.R., 2011. Complex networks as a unified framework for descriptive analysis and predictive modeling in climate science. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, 4(5), pp.497-511.
Kodra, E., Steinhaeuser, K. and Ganguly, A.R., 2011. Persisting cold extremes under 21st‐century warming scenarios. Geophysical Research Letters, 38(8).
Ganguly, A.R., Steinhaeuser, K., Erickson, D.J., Branstetter, M., Parish, E.S., Singh, N., Drake, J.B. and Buja, L., 2009. Higher trends but larger uncertainty and geographic variability in 21st century temperature and heat waves. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106(37), pp.15555-15559.
Khan, S., Bandyopadhyay, S., Ganguly, A.R., Saigal, S., Erickson III, D.J., Protopopescu, V. and Ostrouchov, G., 2007. Relative performance of mutual information estimation methods for quantifying the dependence among short and noisy data. Physical Review E, 76(2), p.026209.
Work Experience
Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Affiliate Professor of Computer Science, and Director, Sustainability & Data Sciences Lab (SDS Lab), Northeastern University, Boston, MA (2011 to present)
(Joint) Chief Scientist, US DOE's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, (2020 to present)
Co-Founder and Chief Scientific Adviser, risQ Inc. Boston, MA (2014 to present)
International Visiting Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (Jun 2018 – Jan 2021)
Senior Scientist (Senior R&D Staff), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN (Sep 2004 - Aug 2011)
Visiting Faculty, Civil & Environmental Eng., University of South Florida, Tampa, FL (Dec 2003 - Sep 2004)
Senior Product Manager of Analytics & Strategy, Demantra Inc., subsequently acquired by Oracle Corporation, Cambridge, MA & Waltham, MA (Mar 2003 - Dec 2003)
Product Manager of Demand Planning, Burlington, MA & Waltham, MA (1999 - 2003)
Time Series Software Developer, Nashua, NH Oracle Corporation (1998 - 1999)
Constantinos Mavroidis Translational Research Award, College of Engineering, Northeastern University (2021)
Best Student Paper Award, (PhD student Nishant Yadav), Fragile Earth (“Feed”) Workshop held with 2020 ACM Knowledge Discovery and Data mining (KDD) (2020)
1st Place Poster Presentation, (PhD student Venkata Shashank Konduri), Hydrology Section, American Meteorological Society 100th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA (2020)
Best Poster Award, Society for Risk Analysis, awarded to PNNL PI (Chatterjee) for joint project on infrastructure resilience: PNNL, Northeastern, RPI, IIT-GN, VOLPE (2020)
Fellow, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) (2019)
Invited Keynote, National Academies Workshop: Data, Models, Urban Sustainability. (2019)
Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (2018)
Runner-Up Best Paper Award and Runner-Up Best Student Paper Award (to PhD student Vandal), KDD 2017 Applied Data Science Track, ACM SIGKDD Knowledge Discovery and Datamining Conference (8.8% acceptance rate for paper acceptance as an oral presentation in Applied Data Science track) (2017)
First Prize (to PhD student Jalalzadeh-Fard), American Geophysical Union (AGU) Virtual Poster Presentation (with a special note from the CEO of AGU) (2017)
Excellent Youth Paper Award Candidate (to PhD student Bhatia), US National Academy of Engineering & Chinese Academy of Engineering organized International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure, Shenzhen, China (2016)
ERL Highlights of 2015, for Environmental Research Letters paper (2015)
Outstanding Reviewer, American Society of Civil Engineers 2011)
Faculty Fellow, Northeastern University, College of Engineering (2011)
Best Student Paper Award, SIAM Data Mining (2011)
AGU Editor’s Pick, American Geophysical Union, for GRL journal paper (2011)
Research Highlight in journal Nature, for GRL journal paper (2011)
Research Highlight in journal Nature Climate Change, for GRL journal paper (2011)
Outstanding Joint/Adjunct/Research Faculty Award, U. TN, Knoxville, CEE. (2010)
Best Paper Award, NASA Conference on Intelligent Data Understanding (2010)
Significant Event Award, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), U.S. Department of Energy (US DOE). (Novel analysis of new Climate model simulations.) (2010)
Best Doctoral Student Award for PhD Co-Advisee and ORNL Mentee (2010)
Best Student Paper Award, ACM KDD Sensor-KDD Workshop (2010)
Significant Event Award, ORNL, US DOE. (Science Lead from ORNL for an international climate change war game.) (2009)
Exceptional Mentoring, ORNL, US DOE. (2009)
Significant Event Award, ORNL, US DOE. (Co-PI and Task Lead on DARPA project on systematic evaluation of human behavior modeling.) (2009)
Outstanding Mentor Award, US DOE. (2008)
Outstanding Mentor Award, ORNL, US DOE. (2006)
Selfless Mentoring Award, ORNL, US DOE. (2006)