IIT Gandhinagar: 15 Years of ExcellenceNews

Celso G. Camilo Jr


Celso G. Camilo Jr

Scholar-in-Residence, Computer Science & Engineering

  • MSc: Federal University of Goiás (2005) - BR
  • PhD: Federal University of Uberlândia (2010) - BR

  • Selected Publications

    1. SentiHealth-Cancer: a sentiment analysis tool to help detecting mood of patients in online social networks
      Ramon Gouveia Rodrigues, Rafael Marques das Dores, Celso G Camilo-Junior, Thierson Couto Rosa - International journal of medical informatics, 2016

    2. SentiHealth-Cancer: a sentiment analysis tool to help detecting mood of patients in online social networks
      Ramon Gouveia Rodrigues, Rafael Marques das Dores, Celso G Camilo-Junior, Thierson Couto Rosa - International journal of medical informatics, 2016

    3. An evolutionary approach for combining results of recommender systems techniques based on collaborative filtering
      Edjalma Queiroz da Silva, Celso G. Camilo-Junior, Luiz Mario L. Pascoal, Thierson C. Rosa - Expert Systems with Applications, 2016

    4. Improved representation and genetic operators for linear genetic programming for automated program repair
      Vinicius Paulo L Oliveira, Eduardo Faria de Souza, Claire Le Goues, Celso G Camilo-Junior - Empirical Software Engineering, 2018

    5. Improved crossover operators for genetic programming for program repair
      Vinicius Paulo L Oliveira, Eduardo FD Souza, Claire Le Goues, Celso G Camilo-Junior - International Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering, 2016

    6. A novel fitness function for automated program repair based on source code checkpoints
      Eduardo Faria de Souza, Claire Le Goues, Celso Gonçalves Camilo-Junior - Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 2018

  • Work Experience

    • Scholar-in-Residence, Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India (September 2022 - present)
    • Visiting Professor, Carnegie Mellon University (2015-2016) - EUA