Sharada C. V.

Sharada C. V.
Assistant Professor, Earth Sciences(Jointly with Humanities and Social Sciences department)
- BA: Mysore University, 2004
- MA: Deccan College, Pune, 2006
- MSc: Sikkim Manipal University, 2010
- MSc: University of Ferrara, Italy and National Museum of Natural History, Paris, France, 2013
- Double PhD: Deccan College, Pune (2014); University of Ferrara, Italy and National Museum of Natural History, Paris, France (2018).
Email: sharada.c -AT-
Selected Publications
P. Valensi, A. Roussel, S. Channarayapatna , K. El. Guennouni, D. Cauche and V Michel Au temps des derniers acheuléens du sud-est de la France. Nouvelle synthèse sur les faunes de grands mammifères du Pléistocène moyen de la grotte du Lazaret (Nice, France). Bulletin du Musée d’Anthropologie préhistorique de Monaco , Actes du colloque international : Les premiers peuplements préhistoriques des Alpes-Maritimes, de Monaco et de Ligurie au sein de leurs paléoenvironnements, 61: 111-126
Pineda, A., S. Channarayapatna, G. Lembo, C. Peretto, P. Saladie and U. Thun Hohenstein. 2020. A taphonomic and zooarchaeological study of the early Middle Pleistocene 3 colluvio level from Isernia La Pineta (Molise, Italy). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 33.
Thun Hohenstein, U., S. Channarayapatna, F. D'argenio, F. Grandi, and C. Peretto. 2019. Nuovi Dati Archeozoologici dal Sito di Isernia La Pineta (Molise, Italia). In Atti 8° Convegno Nazionale di Archeozoologia, Lecce, 2015, 3-12. ISBN: 978-88-8305-148-7. DOI: 10.1285/i9788883051487p3.
Channarayapatna, S. 2018. A Study of Animal Utilization Strategies from Early to Late Harappan Periods in Haryana; South Asian Archaeology Series 3. Edited by Akinori Uesugi. Kyoto, Japan. (ISBN 978-4-9909150-3-2).
Channarayapatna, S., P. Valensi and U. Thun Hohenstein. 2018. Archaeozoological analyses of large mammals from the prehistoric cave site of Lazaret, France: A case study of Archaeostratigraphic Unit 28. Actas de las IX Jornadas de Jovenes en Investigacion Arqueologica, Santander 8-11 June 2016: 399- 407.
Channarayapatna, S., G. Lembo, C. Peretto and U. Thun Hohenstein. 2018. Application of GIS to study the distribution of select taphonomic agents and their effects on the faunal remains from 3 Colluvium level of Isernia La Pineta. Quaternaire 29 (1) : 31-38.
Hassani, M., P. Valensi, S. C. Visweswara, V. Michel, K. El. Guennouni and H. de Lumley. 2017. Les petits ongulés de la grotte Acheuléano-Moustérienne du Lazaret (Nice, France) - Origine anthropique ou carnivore ? L’Anthropologie 121: 367-393.
Joglekar, P. P., C.V. Sharada and G.S Abhayan. 2013. Faunal Diversity during the Harappan Period in Haryana: A Review. Heritage: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Archaeology 1: 262-287.
Work Experience
- Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar (Feb 2019 to present)
- Research Fellow, University of Ferrara, Italy (2015 - 2017)
- Project Assistant, Deccan College, Pune (2006)