Second Academic Advisory Council
Academic Advisory Council Meetings
In December 2011, the Institute held the first meeting of its Academic Advisory Council. The Council, comprising some renowned academicians, industrialists, and government representatives, discussed academic issues of priority to IITGN. Envisioned as an annual meeting, the Academic Advisory Council will provide strategic and external inputs on issues of key importance as the Institute grows from being a 500 student Institute to one with 5000! In its first meeting, the Council discussed faculty recruitment strategies, establishing feedback mechanisms for the Institute, development of an academic masterplan, and nurturing young faculty at the Institute to ensure their fullest professional and personal growth.
Expected Participants

Prof. Pratim Biswas
Chairman of the Department of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering
Washington University
St. Louis, USA

Prof. Nitesh Chawla
Chairman and Director of the Interdisciplinary Center for Network Science and Applications (iCeNSA) and Data Inference Analytics and Learning Lab (DIAL)
University of Notre Dame

Prof. Dheeraj Sanghi
Dean of Academic Affairs and Professor,Department of Computer Science
Indian Institue Of Technology