Chinmay Ghoroi

Chinmay Ghoroi
B. S. Gelot Chair Professor, Chemical Engineering
- BSc (Hons.): Calcutta University, 1995
(Ramakrishna Mission, Narendrapur) - BTech.: Calcutta University, 1998
- ME: Jadavpur University, 2000
- PhD: Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, 2007
Email: chinmayg -AT-
Website :
Selected Publications
- Kumawat, A., Karmakar, M., and Ghoroi, C. "pH-responsive, ROS-scavenging, highly swellable nanogels for colon drug delivery", ACS Applied Nano Materials 7, 18964 - 18978 (2024) [Impact Factor 5.9]
- Kumawat, A., Dave, S., Varghese, S., Patel, B., and Ghoroi, C. “Iron nano-biocomposite infused biopolymeric films: A multifunctional approach for robust skin repair", ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 16(24), 30819 – 30832 (2024) [Impact Factor 9.5]
- Ratnaparkhi, A. Dave, D., Valerino, M., Bergin, M., Ghoroi, C., "Reduction in solar PV soiling loss using hydrophobic coating with and without dew suppression", Solar Energy 253, 332-342 (2023) [Impact Factor 7.188]
- Varun, N., and Ghoroi, C., "Engineered inhalable micro-balloon shaped drug particles for carrier-free dry powder inhalation (DPI) application", Powder Technology, 408 (2022) 117705 [Impact Factor 4.50]
- Dixit, D., Ghoroi, C., "Role of randomly distributed nanoscale roughness for designing highly hydrophobic particle surface without using low surface energy coating", Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 564 (2020) [Impact Factor 9.40]
- Bergin, M.H.; Ghoroi, C; Dixit, D.; Schauer, J.J.; Shindell D. T.; "Large reductions in solar energy production due to dust and particulate air pollution", Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 4 (8), 339–344 (2017) [Impact Factor 8.90]
- Maiti, S. C, Ghoroi, C.; "Influence of catalytic nano-additive for stabilization of β-dicalcium silicate and its hydration rate with different electrolytes", Cement and Concrete Research, 98, 111-121 (2017) [Impact Factor 10.9]
Work Experience
- Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar (Feb 2020 to present)
- Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar (Nov 2015 to Feb 2020)
- Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar (Jun 2009 - Nov 2015)
- Visiting Scholar, Mary Kay O'connor Process Safety Center, Chemical Engineering, Texas A&M University, Texas, USA (May 2013 - July 2013)
- Research Associates, New Jersey Center for Engineered Particulates (NJCEP), Department of Chemical, Biological and Pharmaceutical Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), NJ, USA (Jan 2010 - Dec 2010)
- Senior Development Engineer, Thermodynamics Group, SimSci-Esscor (Simulation Sciences Inc.), Invensys Process System, Hyderabad, India (Jun 2007 - Jun 2009)
- Engineer, Oswal Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd., Orissa, India (Apr 2000 - Sep 2002)
• The Excellence in Outreach Activities, IIT Gandhinagar, 2021
• B. S. Gelot Faculty Chair, IIT Gandhinagar, 2019
• The Excellence in Research Award, IIT Gandhinagar, 2016
• The Excellence in Institute Building Award, IIT Gandhinagar, 2013
• R. G. Manudhane PhD student Excellence award (Best PhD Thesis Prize), IIT Bombay, 2008