Thirteen Leadership Conclave
All Leadership Conclaves
To guide the Institute in its short, medium, and long-term strategic issues, the Institute has constituted a Leadership Conclave. The Conclave meets every year, bringing together eminent leaders in various domains across India and the world. The day-long meeting includes discussions on strategic issues of topmost priority to the Institute and a path towards implementing various solutions.
On January 11, 2025, the thirteenth Conclave will convene and discuss Partnering for Success: How to Strengthen Academic-Industry Networks to Attract Major Investment; Catalyzing Success in Faculty and Student Entrepreneurship; Future-Proofing Careers: Upskilling and Competency Development Programs;
Bridging the Gap: Advancing Translational Research in Academia; and Bridging Education and Employment: Best Practices for Successful Placements.
Expected Participants

Mr Michael A. Alvarez
Board Member, Hospital de la Familia Foundation and Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley, USA

Shri Harsh Bhargava
President, Competitiveness Mindset Institute & President,
Bankworld Incorporated, USA

Prof Rajendra Kumar Bordia
George J. Bishop, III Chair Professor of Ceramics and Materials Engineering,
Clemson University, USA

Dr B.K. Gairola
Special Secretary (e-Governance) to Government of India and Former Director General,
National Informatics Center

Prof Ashish Garg
Professor and Head, Department of Sustainable Energy Engineering and Kotak School of Sustainability,
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Dr Yogesh Goyal
Assistant Professor, Feinberg School of Medicine and McCormick, School of Engineering,
Northwestern University, USA

Prof Nuno Guimarães
Professor, Department of Information Science and Technology (ISTA)
University Institute of Lisbon, (ISCTE-IUL), Portugal

Prof Pankaj Jalote
Distinguished Professor
Computer Science and Engineering, Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) Delhi

Prof Robert Lund
Professor and Chair Department of Statistics, Baskin School of Engineering,
University of California, Santa Cruz, USA

Prof Shekhar C Mande
Distinguished Professor
Bioinformatics Centre, Savitribai Phule Pune University and JC Bose Fellow, National Centre for Cell Science. Former Director General, CSIR & Secretary, DSIR, Govt of India.

Prof Richard K Miller
President Emeritus, Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering, USA

Prof Govidan Parayil
Dean and Professor, Patel College of Global Sustainability and Professor, School of Interdisciplinary Global Studies
University of South Florida, USA

Dr Sunil Parekh D.Litt.
Senior Strategy Advisor to Indian MNCs; Founding Curator at WEF Geneva @ AGS

Prof Mythily Ramaswamy
Professor (Retd.) School of Mathematics,
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bangalore

Prof Supreet Saini
Professor, Chemical Engineering & Fellow, Wellcome Trust/DBT (India Alliance)
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Shri Piyush Shah
Former Executive Vice Chairman
Hitachi Hi-Rel Power Electronics Pvt Ltd., Ahmedabad

Mr Rahul Singh
Assistant Director, Global Marketing & Strategy, Office of International Engagement,
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Prof Nitish V Thakor
Professor of Biomedical Eng, Electrical Eng, Neurology,
Johns Hopkins University, USA